Sunday, June 21, 2009

FREE Money @ Betfair

Have you had a chance to check out the UK's sporting exchange @ Now might be the time to take a peek. This is going to the extreme, but keep your eye on tomorrow's Twenty20 World Cup 2009 cricket match. The final takes place at 10 a.m. (est) and features Sri Lanka vs a suprising Pakistan squad. If I said I followed, watched, or knew anything about cricket, I'd be lying, BUT the opportunity to middle yourself and guarantee some profit exists as I type. Betfair takes some getting used to, as they only use European decimal odds and the whole backing/laying concept is tough to grasp at first sight. That being said, here's what I just submitted

Section 1:
Cricket > Twenty20 World Cup 2009 > The Final > Pakistan v Sri Lanka > Match Odds

Back Pakistan @ 2.24 (risk $1000 to win $1240)

Section 2:
Cricket > Twenty20 World Cup 2009 > Winner

Lay Pakistan @ 2.22 (risk $1220 to win $1000)

Section 1 has you betting on the game itself, whereas Section 2 is betting on who will win the championship. A recent North American comparison would be betting the Penguins to win game 7, and also betting the Pens to win the Stanley Cup. Essentially, you're making the same bet...BUT in this case, Betfair has 2 different sets of odds, which ultimately allows you to guarantee yourself profit. By no means is $20 and/or 1 middle going to change your life (I hope it doesn't), but its a nice reward for using your noggin and making 4-6 mouse clicks. Here's a link to set you up @ Betfair

Go to

P.S. Last I heard, Betfair does not harbor US customers

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